building a mystery

Monday, August 21, 2006

The rest is silence.

Well, who does know where the time goes... but apparently I've run out of hours to devote to this little project. It will just have to wait in line until next summer - or, maybe, three years from now - before rising to the top of my personal to-do list again.
For those few who've been reading along: if you've enjoyed it so far, great. If you've learned anything, even better. If you've thought more deeply about this amazing and astonishing play, and its amazing and astonishing effect on so many different people through the past four hundred years, that's best of all.
If I've given you any sense of my own answer to the question, "Why Hamlet?" and some awareness of the trainload of baggage I personally bring into the rehearsal hall every three to four years and never get a chance to talk about, then this blog has partially served its purpose. (Its other main purpose was, of course, to force me to start organizing the baggage cars, and in that I guess it's been partially successful, too!)
Since I didn't have the intention of providing free Level 4 or A+ essays for students, I've removed most of the content. If you really need material for an essay topic, ask me. Otherwise, happy trails to you, until we meet again!